Want to sell our Beer?


high quality

Quality - or the lack of it - was the start of our project. If there had been decent beer in Argentina 15 years ago, we might have never started making our own. But we did. And we did something right. All over South America, we won lots of prizes. Now in Germany we are ready for the challenge.

changing styles

We love to make new styles all the time! Over the years we have probably brewed more than 150 styles. We actually lost track. Ramiro or "el magico" as he is known in the craft beer scene in Argentina loves to try new things, experiment with all kinds of ingredients and constantly develop new recipes.

fast Delivery

We are big fans of great customer service. Be assured that we do everything possible to provide you with our products asap! Don't hesitate to ask, we will always find a way to get some of our beers to you. Brewing in Berlin, distributing withing Germany and soon all over Europe.


If you are interested in our products please fill in the form and we will get back to you asap!